Today, we are opening the first Community-site from SOE PublishingLab. The Food Culture Community is for food lovers that want to share their tasty knowledge and also learn from others. As a member you can publish blog posts about your food journeys in your kitchen and in the world. Besides writing your own posts you can comment on other’s blog posts and view and review interactive book samples on this subject. The community membership is free. Get ready for mind blowing and tasty experiences.
Be creative … make money …
Let’s be interactive! To produce the best experience for your iReaders in the community and beyond it, you can start to create interactive books about your food journeys. With SOE PublishingLab and its user experience capabilities you can take your authorship to a new level by empowering your story with interactive features. To make this happen you sign up for an Author Membership that includes a simplified interface to create interactive books. The Author Membership also includes support in different forms. Then you can sell your interactive book in BiQstore to other community members and beyond, and receive your author-payments directly to your PayPal-account after the customer has bought you book. Click here for more information
Even printed books!
As a member of the Food Culture Community we also can help you with the production of your printed book with interactive features, the whole or parts of the process. You decide what we should do and what you will be doing yourselves. Contact us at B-InteraQtive Publishing, for more information including price.
B-InteraQtive Publishing can help you with distribution channels to the Swedish and German book market. You can either distribute the book yourselves or we can store and send from our warehouse. Contact us for more information including price.
The printed book service requires a completed interactive book in order to transform it to a printed version.
Join the Food Culture Community
If you are interested in food and its origins and experiences you have come to the right place. As it is intended to be an immersive experience in three steps, while firstly you become inspired and comment on others food experiences, and secondly inspire others with your experiences in blog posts and interactive books where you also can make money of your knowledge and taste. In the third step, you use your knowledge and inspiration in your own kitchen and on your journeys for new and empowering food experiences.
More Communities in other subject fields on SOE PublishingLab are on the way.